Blog Posts by Theme

The Girlymicro blog posts on all kinds of topics, but blogs tend to fit into 6 main themes: leadership, academia/PhD tips, Healthcare Science, infection control and microbiology, bringing your whole self, and guest blogs/book reviews. To help you navigate, as there are now over 200 blogs available, posts have been clustered so that you can deep dive into topics that interest you. Many of these posts could however sit within multiple categories, but I’ve done my best to weave them together in a way that makes logical sense.

NB this page is updated periodically so you should still visit the recent blog page for the most recent posts. Also, if you’d be interested in writing a guest blog for Girlymicro, please contact me using the links or via social media


We Lift by Raising Others: Why we should all get our nomination heads on

Reputation is Everything: Why reputation matters & how reputational attacks can create shock waves

Stepping Into Leadership: What becoming a senior leader actually means

The Power of Celebration: Why we should see celebration as essential and not a selfish act

A Thank You Shout Out to the Enablers: The people who help get things done but are often invisible

Holding the Line: What it feels like to be seen as the ‘Big Bad I Said NO!’

Learning to Take Your Place: The path to owning the space you find yourself in

Just One More Block: Sometimes, the Only Way is Through

You Spin Me Right Round Baby, Right Round: Getting through the day when it’s all a bit too much

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Why decision-making linked to projects and roles requires us to flex as we grow

I Keep Running Up That Hill: Why is it that the email mountain never gets any smaller?

The Sound of Deadlines Rushing Past: Surviving in a world where deadlines are constant and there’s never enough time

Farewell 2022: Looking back and reflecting on how we can be our own most unreliable witness

Mouth Open Should Be Shut: My challenges with openly contributing to meetings and the fear of oversharing

Changing of the Guard: When your mentor leaves and you have very large shoes to fill

You Can’t Be Liked by Everyone: Embracing the inevitability of not being everyone’s cup of tea

You Can’t Please Everyone: Why I try to remember the rule of thirds

Wearing My Quitter Badge With Pride: Why FOMO can damage your health

If Not You Then Who? Why seizing the opportunities that come your way is so important

I’m Not Lucky, I’m a Badass: The importance of owning your success

Some Days All We Control Is Ourselves: How to respond when things don’t go to plan

Lets Talk About Wellness: Is it just me whose struggling to engage with wellness programmes?

A Pandemic is a Marathon Not a Sprint: Find the Things that re-energise you to Carry on Fighting the Good Fight

The Fear of Next Steps: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Science Communication: Reflections from an Ivory Tower

Why Have I Waited 5 Years?

Infection Control/Micro

An Uninvited Guest: Food Poisoning and Foodborne outbreaks, who are the villains of the piece?

Me and My Bathroom: Being an adult scientist has way more to do with bathrooms than I’d expected

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: Why I love the BMJ Christmas articles and links to my favourites!

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2023: Thinking differently about ‘Super Wicked’ problems

Talking About the Taboos: My experience of informed consent and organ donation

It’s Not All Bad in the World of Infection Prevention and Control: The most wonderful time of the year is approaching!

IPC on Tour: Reflections from the big apple

Your Wish is My Demand: Here are some of my tips for sitting MRCPath in Micro/Viro

The Trials and Tribulations of High Stakes Assessments: How I still remember everything about FRCPath

Happy but Struggling: Welcome to my third year of the SARS CoV2 pandemic

Delving Into Risk Assessment: Thoughts on how to develop tools that may guide your thinking

Environmental Matters: Why are environmental risk assessments so tricky?

Children Are Not Small Adults: Why infection prevention and control in paediatrics really is different

FRCPath Notes: Some notes on organism identification and antimicrobials in case useful for others

Two Years On and Responding to Changes in SARS CoV2 Guidance: What can you do now to impact your transmission risk

I Rarely ‘Feel’ Well: Let’s talk about health privilege in the time of COVID-19 and why SARS CoV2 solutions are not ‘simple’

When Heroes Fall: How the intersection between fandom and public health can change who you root for

50 Shades of Grey: The realities of working in Infection Prevention and Control

Time for Some Real Talk: I have the best job in the world & even I don’t know how much more I can take

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?: My month spent with shingles and the Varicella Zoster virus

Laboratory Testing for SARS CoV2 (COVID-19): Is all testing the same and why should I care?

Keeping Things in Perspective: My attempt at seeing the glass as half full with a list of pandemic positives

Fulfilling A Promise: Why we need to talk about whether we are actually delivering on patient centred care

Just One More Sleep: Why ‘Freedom Day’ doesn’t feel like Christmas to those in infection prevention

What It’s Like To Know Too Much (Whilst Still Not Enough): The Difficulties of Having Health Conversations Outside of Your Day Job

What Is Antimicrobial Resistance and What Might It Mean for Me?

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts? How Professional Diversity supports impact by Infection Prevention Teams

Surviving as an Infection Scientist During a Pandemic: The Challenges of Bringing your Work Home with you

The Things I Love Best About Working in Infection Prevention and Control

All at Sea Again…We Are All in the Same Storm but are Existing in Very Different Boats

My Sunday Afternoon Rage – The Mask Goes Over the Nose, People!

A Week With Antimicrobial Resistance on my mind

Your Starter for 10: Antimicrobials

Academia/Top tips for PhDs

PhD Top Tips: What do you need to think about when applying for a PhD?

Handling Criticism with Grace: Top tips for responding to reviewers’ comments

One Year On: What has making professor actually meant for my day to day

It’s All in the Preparation: My top ten tips to help prepare for your conference presentation

Methods for Dealing with Rejection: Remembering there is a difference between ‘that wasn’t for me/us’ and ‘oh that’s bad’

The PhD Edit: Links to some of the Girlymicro posts that may help PhD students

PhD Top Tips: Finding the inspiration to develop your research question

PhD Top Tips: Write a thesis they said, but not like this they said

PhD Top Tips: How to carry on when the experiment you’re doing just feels cursed

PhD Top Tips: So you’ve decided you want to start a PhD

Conference Season is Upon Us: My top tips for conference presentations

Pinching Myself Again: Switching out Dr for Professor

Surviving Your Viva: My top 10 tips for oral exams

More Than the Sum of Our Grades: Why academic success only tells part of the story

The Second Year Slump: understanding the ups and downs of doing a PhD

Conference Season Is Upon Us: Top tips for anyone who struggles with networking

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Top tips I’ve learnt over 20 years of event organising

Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was a Trainee: My top ten tips for making the most of your journey

Coming to Terms With Not Being Superwoman: My turbulent journey towards work life balance

It’s Time to Talk About the F Word… Not that F word. We need to Talk About Failure

Talking About the Taboos: My Journey to being an ‘Obstinate Headstrong Girl’ Whilst Working in Science

Dealing with Writer’s Block: How I Write When it’s the Last Thing I Want to Do

I Asked Twitter for Interview Tips and These are Some of the Great Responses I Received!

It’s Recruitment Season in Healthcare Science and Academia: What have I learnt which might help

My Best Science Comes from a Cup of Tea: My top tip for Healthcare Science Week

Dreams in the Time of COVID-19: Science Meets Art

I Passed my PhD 6 Years Ago This Week: What Tips do I Have for Those Who Are in the Process?

Quality Control in Scientific Publishing: what is it actually like to review papers?

Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers – Is it as hard as it seems?

Bringing Your Whole Self

Beware the Lure of the Anxiety Rabbit Hole: Having the self-awareness to recognise when your thinking lacks clarity

Greetings from the Laziest Girl on the Internet: Living with a mind that won’t stop in a body that doesn’t want to begin

My (possible) Mid-Life Crisis and Me 2023 Edition: Entering 2024 has left me questioning….have I peaked at 44?

Taking the End of Year Hype with a Pinch of Salt: Understanding the social media declarations of successes probably come with undeclared context

A DINK Household: Embracing a life with no kids, no guilt, only joy

A Shout Out to My Girls: This one is for all the women that support others & see them as inspiration not competition

Do Or Do Not, There Is No Try: Why seeking external validation will never be enough

An Unexpected Absence and Why It’s OK to Not Be OK

Would You Like That Explained in Words of One Syllable? Thriving in the world of a mansplainer

The Paths that Made Us: Learning to be grateful for the moments that made us who we are

Developing the Courage to Stand Tall: Time to ignore the fear and realise it’s OK to stand out

Welcome to 2023: Here’s a toast to being open to the unexpected in the 12 months ahead

Clothes Maketh the Man or Do They? Why I want my clothes to show me, not some version of who I should be

Keeping Up With the Joneses: The dangers of benchmarking success against social media

The Power of Winning: Why I think the reason you are playing the game is as important as the outcome

Responding With Grace: The art of learning to take a complement

Daring to Be Imperfect: Celebrating the joys of imperfection

An Homage to Douglas Adams: Reaching 42 and therefore becoming the answer to life the universe and everything

How Do We Stop, When the Person We Are Competing Against is Ourselves?

What I Did On My Holidays: Or the benefits of taking some away from it all

Hello Shame Spiral, My Old Friend: The warning signs that I need rest and space to reflect

What’s Your Get Psyched Mix? How I use Music to Support my Work

Talking About The Taboos: What It’s Like to Be Childless in Your 30s and 40s

Why I Think You Should Say Yes to New Experiences (and my foray into life drawing)

Celebrating Mothers Day by Talking About How My Mum Has Contributed to the World of Science

Dr Cloutman-Green B.E.M. Who thought a thing like this could happen to someone as normal as me? (Hint: not I)

A Short Post Written for my Facebook Friends on the Welcome News of the Approval of a SARS CoV2 Vaccine

Musings for my Facebook Friends on SARS CoV2 Testing

The Awards Season is Almost Over – It’s not Quite the Oscars, but Still…

Why I Think It’s Important to Talk About Failure (and other stories of Imposter Syndrome)

Adventures in Science Communication – Stand-up comedy edition

Healthcare Science

How Do You Become a Scientist and Other Career Day Questions: Some info to help in your scientific career journey

An Unexpected Journey: My foray into writing a non-fiction book, all constructive feedback appreciated

Molecular Diagnostics and Me: How can I learn more, and how can we utilise them better for patient management?

The Oliver Surrounded by Estellas: Training as the person who doesn’t have a financial float

Clarity of Role and Its Impact: Why knowing and being clear about your professional boundaries matters

Celebrating National Pathology Week (Delayed): Talking about routes to registration as a Healthcare Scientist

An Unexpected Invitation: Representing the Healthcare Science & IPC workforce at the Coronation of King Charles III

Am I a Writer Yet? Two years in, over 100 posts and finally finding my feet

Speaking Truth to Power: Learning the hard truth of when science and politics collide

Clarity is Key: The role of learning agreements in supporting learner success

Keeping Up with the Kardashians: Your K score and the uneasy relationship between science and science communication

Celebrating National Pathology Week: What is a Trust Lead Healthcare Scientist?

Celebrating National Pathology Week: What is a clinical microbiologist?

Celebrating National Pathology Week: What is a clinical academic?

Scientists as Educators: Why I believe all scientists should invest time in understanding pedagogical principles

Girlymicro’s 100th Post: What I’ve learnt in my 1st year as a consultant

Prioritising the Needs of the Many: Great communicators let the message do the talking

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science Day: A view from the Girly Side

Turning a Day Dream into a Reality: Trying out a technique to make concrete steps towards a secret ambition

Girlymicro 2021: A Year in Review

Changing Our Pathways: What are T-Levels and why should I care about them?

Saturday Morning Zombies: how infection is portrayed in the genre

Happy Birthday Girlymicrobiologist Blog: One year on what I have learnt about writing a blog?

Healthcare Science Education 2021: Innovation in Education

Embarking on My 17th Year as a Healthcare Scientist: What have I learnt?

All of the Rise of the Resistance Festival Content in One Place. Come visit and laugh, cry and sing along!

It’s Been A Long Road To Get Here but the Journey Is Part of the Learning: My Hopes and Fears on Starting my first Consultant Role

Why I Went Through the Equivalence Process and Why I think it’s Important as a Lead Healthcare Scientist to Lead By Example

The Nosocomial Project

Guest Blogs/Book Reviews

Book Review: Bad Blood by John Carreyrou – talking science and the Theranos scandal

Guest Blog from Dr Claire Walker: Simulating Success – Enhancing Biomedical Science Education through Clinical Simulation

Guest Blog Joanna Ward by: A year in the life of an MBio student

Guest Blog from Dr Claire Walker: Turning criticism into a catalyst for change, or how I learned to stop worrying and to love negative feedback

Guest Blog by Dr Claire Walker: Bots, ChatGPT and AI – Is this the end to assessments in Higher Education as we know it?

Guest Blog by Dr Claire Walker: Is there a place for Simulated Placement in Biomedical Science Education?

Guest Blog by Lilian Chiwera: Surgical site infection prevention day initiatives – making change now to help tomorrow

Guest Blog by Phillipa Burns: Part 2, the view from the finish line

Guest Blog by Karen Barclay-Elliott: Life, the universe and surviving FRCPath part 1

Guest Blog by Jade Lambert: Choosing your next steps as a Healthcare Scientist – Why an integrated biology masters may be the right choice

Guest Blog from Daniel Nash: Placements make the world go round – why placements are so important for HCS students

Guest Blog by Dr Claire Walker: The Power of Yes – Why it’s important to spend the weekends doing Science Outreach, and taking up catering as a hobby

Guest Blog: Claire and Sam take over the Environment Network

Guest Blog from Francis Yongblah: What does it mean to march with Pride and why is it still so important?

Guest Blog from Anthony De Souza: From lab to educator, finding a new direction

Guest Blog Dr Claire Walker: The Clinical Academic Path – From the Lab to the Lectern 

Guest Blog by Katy Heaney: Pathology: hidden service or hiding? Lets stop being shy

Guest Blog by Nicola Baldwin: Where Is Everybody? Patient and public involvement in the time of pandemic

Guest Blog from Sam Watkin: Starting a PhD in a Pandemic

Guest Book Review by Dr Julie Winnard: How Bad Are Bananas? by Mike Berners Lee

Guest Book Review by Dr Claire Walker: Girl One by Sara Flannery Murphy

Guest Blog Dr Claire Walker: From academia to the bench, and back again. An immunologists journey

Guest Blog by Dr Claire Walker: My top three reasons for picking Immunology

Guest Blog by Dr Claire Walker: Did you hear the one about the Consultant Microbiologist who Hosted a Digital Festival?

Guest Book Review by John Dodd: The Science of Storytelling

Guest Book Review by Dr Claire Walker: Oryx and Crake by Margret Atwood

Guest Blog by Dr Steve Cross: The Science of Space

Guest Blog by Dr Claire Walker: A clinical immunologist’s thoughts on lateral flow antibody testing for SARS CoV2

Book Review: What I Love About the Science in the Newsflesh Series by Mira Grant


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