A Thank You Shout Out to the Enablers: The people who help get things done but are often invisible

The Environment Network ran its 7th annual event last week, and it got me thinking. Thinking about all the people it takes to make such a thing happen. All the people that give of their time freely to enable a concept come to fruition. We all know these people. They are often not the ones who stand at the front of the room opening the day, being ‘the face’. They are the cheerleaders, the ones who print and stuff name badges. The ones who, outside of events, see what’s proposed and jump on board to help break down barriers. The ones who say ‘We can’ instead of of ‘We can’t’. Also, having shared the first chapter of my book earlier this week, I really wanted to write a post dedicated to thanking those who always get on board my crazy idea train to help it reach its destination, not for the glory or the visibility, but because they see the value in the journey.

It’s also my birthday week and here is the birthday present of all my favourite things my fabulous team gave me – Isn’t it awesome!

Thank you to those that inspire

I think there are so many people out there who inspire me and inspire others and don’t really even know it. People who just think they are doing their jobs, or their ‘thing’, who don’t see it as special. I really want to start naming people throughout this post, but if I did, I think it would be thousands of names, and most of you won’t know who they are. Instead, I’m going to make a vow to tell people instead of just thinking it.

These people inspire me to do better, to think outside the box, to keep going when things are tough, and remind me of my values and my why. Creativity of approach needs inspiration, and there are so many of you that I am grateful to.

Thank you to those that facilitate

Big ideas come often come with big price tags, be that in time or money. I don’t have either of those things in abundance and so this is a big one for me. So many people come together to make these big ideas come about by giving of their time freely, or much cheaper than they would charge otherwise, just so that those ideas can turn into a reality. You won’t know these people who spend hours printing and prepping, booking train tickets, hotels, or chasing consumables or organising actors, but none of this would happen without them. They are the people who really make stuff happen but don’t get the spotlight. These people deserve it all and rarely get any recognition. I see you all, and I am so thankful. I know how much I get to realise my dreams because of the work you do.

Thank you to those who keep the rest of the world turning

Whilst I am off ‘swanning about’ teaching or at meetings, trying to change the way we do things now, I want to give a thank you shout out to those who keep ‘the now’ working. I recognise my ‘head in the clouds’ thinking can be challenging to the people invested in the day to day. So I want to recognise everyone whose hard work means that I can do what I do and thank you for your patience. Especially those who are so open in their support of why I do it and give me permission to keep being me. I’m not sure gratitude is enough, but it’s a place to start.

Thank you to those who don’t come with a price

So much comes with a price, fact of life. This thank you goes out to all those whose view of life is not transactional, the people who don’t say ‘I will do X for you if you do Y for me’. There’s nothing wrong with that transactional life view. It’s often the price of getting things done. I do have a special place in my heart though for people who build relationships and know that all things come right in the end and therefore aren’t interested in the quid pro quo. The people who grow over time to feel more like friends and family than colleagues. You guys are always there, I hope you will always get more than you give, and I can’t wait to get to spend decades in your company and shout your praises.

Thank you to those who believe

Big dreams require leaps of faith. Now, the process is often a lonely one, but it is made less so when you are surrounded by those who buy into those dreams, not because they have evidence that you can achieve them, but purely on the basis that they have faith in you. It is easy to see the barriers. It is so easy to criticise and say that some dreams are unattainable. I want to say thank you to all those people who see that supporting one another’s dreams comes at no cost to the individual. To those who see the vision, even before it’s well enough developed to be articulated elegantly. To those who share the joy of exploring the possible. Thank you.

Thank you to those who defend

As I’ve said following a dream, sharing a vision, can be a really vulnerable place to be, as you are sharing a piece of who you truly are. Criticism or minimising of that vision can therefore really hurt and feel super personal. That said, it’s probably a key part of refining what that dream actually is. It may be that crucible is in fact necessary. That said, this one goes out to those who defend the dreamers, who defend their right to aspire, to live with their heads in the clouds. These wonderful people often go unseen, as defending often happens when the dreamer isn’t present, but we all know it happens. I may not hear the words, but I know you exist, and I have so much gratitude to all of the shielding that goes on behind closed doors.

Thank you to those who put me back together

Finally, and this is a big one, I want to thank those who put my broken pieces back together when the criticism lands, when the failures occur, when reality hits. Those who persuade me that being me is valuable, that the dream is still worth the cost, that no matter what it feels like in the moment I still have value and it’s worth perseverance. I am a drama queen with few equals, and a fragility to match. The patience with which you put up with me is beyond measure and my gratitude struggles to match your generosity. True friendship is seeing someone broken and managing the sight of it without judgement, only love, and I have so much love for you all in return. You are the best of us, thank you.

All opinions in this blog are my own

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